Vehicles passing graders going south on the Richardson Highway show the dangers of normal traffic plus large vehicles on narrow roads. Video courtesy of R. Hupprich.
ASAH Events
In the Media
Articles and opinion pieces from Daily News Miner and Anchorage Daily News may require a subscription.
News Articles
- Ore haul truck wrecks, spills 2 trailer loads
- Alaska transportation department to impose bridge weight limit lower than loaded Manh Choh haul trucks’ poundage
- An Alaska Native tribal council greenlit a gold mine. Some tribal members aren’t happy.
- Traffic Patterns Of Summer Travelers Over The Alcan May Change Due To Ore Trucks On The Highways
- Canadian Gold Mining Company Threatens Takeover Of Three Alaskan Highways
- Two Fairbanks bridges can’t handle fully loaded Kinross trucks
- Kinross to launch ‘trial runs’ of ore-hauling trucks this summer
- Tetlin mine processing plant would be profitable, economical, 2018 study found
- Alaska DOT conceals real motivation for Dunleavy plan to spend $200 million on road upgrades–it’s to help Kinross
- Amended budget includes funding for bridge work and replacement
- Kinross updates Council on Manh Choh project
- North Pole City Council resolution opposes Kinross haul plan
- Engineering group provides update on Tetlin-Fort Knox corridor plan
- USGS 2022 List of Critical Minerals
- EPA presses state of Alaska to act on air pollution
- Fairbanks City Council takes position on Kinross trucking plan
- An ore haul update: it’s a ‘big friggin truck’
- DOT contractor to begin corridor analysis
- Kinross, highway advocacy group testify on ore hauling plan
- Council to discuss budget amendment, Manh Choh tonight
- Kinross puts Tetlin-Fort Knox corridor action plan out to bid
- Fort Knox reports four-year high in gold production
- Borough air pollution commission weighs in on Kinross plan
- Kinross, Contango greenlight Manh Choh project
- Kinross greenlights Interior Alaska mine trucking plan, while state slow rolls transportation analysis
- Scrutiny of plan to truck mine ore across Interior Alaska grows
- Kinross GM talks ore trucking plan before legislative committees
- Kinross addresses concerns over plan to truck ore from Tetlin to Fairbanks
- Fairbanks DOT and Kinross Alaska hold community forum for ore transportation plan
Community Perspectives
- Standing strong in opposition to ore haul
- Is Alaska paying to replace bridges to benefit a mining company?
- Legacy bridges are being ignored
- Manh Choh drainage could be toxic to aquatic life
- Think again about using roads for ore haul with double-trailer vans
- State regulations limit industrial use of highways
- The Alaska lotteries: Do the math on Kinross Manh Choh
- Dunleavy, Alaska transportation department continue to act as partners with Kinross
- A Call for Voices
- Does Does Ft. Knox Mine Shrink Without the Manh Choh Ore Transport?
- Large truck fatality facts shed some light on Kinross ore hauling plan
- Save a thousand? Yes! Add a million? No! Backward steps toward more dirty air
- Is the Kinross/Contango ore haul safe? No one knows.
- Kinross Ore Transportation Plan – A Critical Review
- Highway trucking plan deserves real analysis, but Dunleavy is a roadblock
- Concerned about Transportation Plan
- * A detailed assessment should precede any Manh Choh mine activity
- Too many concerns, not enough solutions surround Kinross’ ore trucking plan
- Kinross’ ore hauling plan needs an independent review
Letters to the Editor
- What’s Alaska getting and giving up with mining?
- Manh Choh trucking plan should not come to fruition
- Industrial vs. commercial trucking
- A comparison of routes for Manh Choh ore trucks
- Your voice matters
- An ore haul on public highways is unsafe
- Ore haul noise and vibration study
- A premonition of the future
- More noise pollution is coming your way
- Looking for Manh Choh options
- Ill-conceived proposal
- Responsible mineral development is key
- Too many disappointments with Manh Choh ore hauling
- Maximizing profits over safety
- Take the ore-haul drive yourself
- You’ve been Manh-Chohed
- Highway fatality statistics vs. ore hauling
- Mining industry must earn our trust
- Too many dangers in Kinross ore trucking plan
- Air quality and ore hauling
- Mining projects and new climate risk disclosure requirements
- Kinross trucking plan needs a thorough impact study
- The hidden costs of Kinross’ ore trucking plan
- Be a good neighbor, Kinross
- By the environmental numbers
- Kinross Gold’s social license is at risk
- Manh Choh mine trucking needs a third-party review
- Reconsider the Kinross ore trucking plan
- Kinross trucking plan needs a re-examination
- Kinross trucking plan must be revised
- Keep Kinross off our roads