Advocates for Safe Alaska Highways
We Stand for Safety

Advocates for Safe Alaska Highways
We Stand for SafetyReport Unsafe Trucks
Have you witnessed Black Gold Transport ore haul trucks operating unsafely or irresponsibly?
Summer 2024 Survey
We want to hear from you!
What is the Issue?
Kinross Gold Corporation is transporting ore over 240 miles of the Alaska Highway, Richardson Highway, and Steese highway between the Manh Choh project near Tetlin and their processing plant at Ft. Knox near Cleary Summit north of Fairbanks. Double tractor-trailer ore hauling trucks that are each 95 feet long and weigh as much as 80 tons depart the mine two to four times per hour around the clock. Up to 60 trucks per day rumble through Tok, Dot Lake, Delta Junction, Salcha, North Pole, Fairbanks and Fox on their way to the Ft. Knox mill, where they deliver their individual payloads totaling up to 10 million pounds every day. The empty trucks then return over the same route to pick up new loads of ore.

Why are We Concerned?
The Kinross Gold ore transportation project increases risk to the traveling public and accelerates degradation of Interior Alaska’s transportation infrastructure. It will also increase poor air quality in the Fairbanks/North Pole non-attainment corridor and potentially opens liability issues for the State of Alaska.
Safety must be the primary goal and the ultimate concern for DOT&PF, Kinross, and Black Gold Transport, the trucking company created for this project. The addition of 80-ton, 95′ long double trailers driven in all Alaskan weather conditions creates unsafe conditions. ( Read More…)
Kinross currently uses Interior Alaska public highways to transport ore without recognizing the damaging impact persistent heavy haul operations have on our highway system. ( Read More…)
Who is liable if someone gets killed? We are concerned that the State of Alaska could be deemed negligent for failing to maintain safe conditions on our public roadways. ( Read More…)
The Fairbanks and North Pole areas are already non-compliant with EPA air quality standards. How will adding hundreds of diesel-powered double tractor-trailer trucks increase this problem? ( Read More…)
Who Are We?
Advocates for Safe Alaska Highways (ASAH) is a grassroots volunteer group of long-time Interior Alaska residents with a diversity of backgrounds and experiences. Together we are committed to ensuring that the health and safety of all Alaskans traveling our public highways is not jeopardized.
Advocates for Safe Alaska Highways (ASAH) is NOT against responsible mining in Alaska.
Our Goals
- Request the developer make public its Ore Transportation Plan.
- Raise public awareness and illustrate the extraordinary threat to the safety of Alaskans if this plan is adopted.
- Ensure that the plan has had sufficient review and analysis by the appropriate regulatory agencies.

Latest News from ASAH

FNSB updating 20-year planning document
The FNSB needs to hear from all citizens regarding the future of our community, but especially those who are concerned with the current direction and decisions that are being made that have potential adverse effects on our quality of life.

Final Corridor Study Report released
The report did not include all the concerns the TAC committee had after it was abruptly dismissed and left hanging.

Contango Ore stock plummets 21%
Costs to produce gold from Manh Choh rise 25% over what the mine’s feasibility study predicted.