The Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB) is in the early stages of updating and revising its 2005 Regional Comprehensive Plan (the Plan). The Plan is the road map the FNSB follows when making decisions regarding community growth and land use decisions, forming the basis for ordinances and programs of development.  The FNSB relies heavily on public input and the future vision of residents in creating and implementing the Plan.  There will be many chances to give input and weigh in on the Plan during the multi-year process. The first opportunity is through a newly-released survey. Most of the survey questions are multiple-choice but there is a place at the end for written comments. The survey is anonymous and input is due by February 10th.

ASAH and its supporters are well aware that the Manh Choh mine and Direct Shipment of Ore (DSO) model of trucking ore 250 miles to Ft. Knox is the test case for the future of mining around the state. Over the last couple of years, the mining community has boldly informed the public that additional hard rock mining developments are coming to the FNSB and the state, along with the trucking model to move mining ore through Fairbanks and other communities. The FNSB’s Regional Comprehensive Plan outlines appropriate land uses (residential, commercial, industrial, mining) and seeks to reduce land use conflicts through zoning and other means.

The FNSB needs to hear from all citizens regarding the future of our community, but especially those who are concerned with the current direction and decisions that are being made that have potential adverse effects on our quality of life.

We urge you to fill out the short survey and let the Borough know your thoughts and concerns. Again, the deadline for the survey is February 10, 2025.

(Graphic courtesy of Fairbanks North Star Borough)