The next Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting will be held:
                               Thursday, January 26, 2023 1:00pm-3:30pm
                               Carlson Center ~ Pioneer Room
                               2010 2nd Ave, Fairbanks, Alaska

The meeting agenda is available here:
TAC Agenda - January 26, 2023 (317 downloads )

This meeting is open to the public and is being held in a good-size room at the Carlson Center with plenty of parking. We encourage EVERYONE to attend–we want to send a strong message to the TAC that there are many good folks in Interior Alaska who do not think this ore haul plan is in the public’s best interests. Time for public comments has been scheduled. Even if you do not want to make any comments, your presence at the meeting will speak volumes. Now is the time to step forward and take action!