To the editor:
Interior Senators and Representatives,
A disastrous plan is moving forward unchallenged to use our state highways for hauling gold ore from Tetlin to the processing mill at Fort Knox north of Fairbanks in spite of a study that demonstrated the strong financial viability of processing the ore near Tetlin. Dermot Cole has provided an excellent summary of that 2018 viability study. It can be found at For additional information, do a Google or Bing search for “Tetlin ore processing viability study 2018”.
For some reason this project seems to be going forward without any resistance in spite of the many negative effects on your Interior constituents. This project to use our highways is about GREED. Gold is not a critical metal with only about 10-15% of gold mined being used for things other than jewelry. What meager benefits the state will accrue from this project is minimal compared to the high cost of constant highway repairs, the increased traffic accidents (injuries and possible deaths), added traffic congestion in and around Fairbanks, added air and noise pollution, and general problems in using our highways with the constant heavy traffic from the proposed monster truck . The goal of the plan to use our highways for commercial purposes is to make a great deal of money for foreign companies with very little if any benefits to Alaska and Interior residents, except for the Tetlin Tribe.
This plan, if allowed to proceed, will eventually include a large number of mines within a 300-mile radius of Fairbanks, insuring that many of our roads will be in constant need of repair and that we will experience constant serious disruption for many decades due to heavy truck use.
Isn’t there something the legislature can do to stop this irrational project that will adversely affect all Interior residents…that you represent? There are groups opposing this project but their cries for help seem to be falling on deaf ears. Can’t you as our Interior legislators do anything to shut down this disastrous plan? Please respond with a letter to the editor.
David Nebert
Mr. Nebert is a long-time Fairbanks resident and his letter to the editor is reprinted with permission.