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Latest News from ASAH

Corporate Fascism in Alaska

Corporate Fascism in Alaska

Corporate fascism happens when corporations, domestic and foreign, buy governments and require them to do the bidding of the corporation regardless of the consequences for the government’s citizens and residents.

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Interior Delegation meets with constituents

ASAH asked the Delegation to protect the traveling public, pause the ore haul until the Corridor Study is finished and necessary infrastructure upgrades can be made, and scrutinize the hundreds of millions of dollars that these upgrades will cost the State.

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Lawsuit filed against DOT

Lawsuit filed against DOT

The suit asks the Alaska Superior Court to require that DOT follow its own regulations, stop the haul until the Corridor Study is complete, and prevent DOT from facilitating the ore haul in a manner that endangers the transportation of children to and from school.

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TAC asks for pause on ore haul

TAC asks for pause on ore haul

The TAC voted 5-4 to ask DOTPF to pause the ore haul until the TAC can complete its work and the DOTPF has implemented high priority safety recommendations.

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In the Media

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