ASAH Events
In the Media
Articles and opinion pieces from Daily News Miner and Anchorage Daily News may require a subscription.
News Articles
- Ore haul truck wrecks, spills 2 trailer loads
- Alaska transportation department to impose bridge weight limit lower than loaded Manh Choh haul trucks’ poundage
- An Alaska Native tribal council greenlit a gold mine. Some tribal members aren’t happy.
- Traffic Patterns Of Summer Travelers Over The Alcan May Change Due To Ore Trucks On The Highways
- Canadian Gold Mining Company Threatens Takeover Of Three Alaskan Highways
- Two Fairbanks bridges can’t handle fully loaded Kinross trucks
- Kinross to launch ‘trial runs’ of ore-hauling trucks this summer
- Tetlin mine processing plant would be profitable, economical, 2018 study found
- Alaska DOT conceals real motivation for Dunleavy plan to spend $200 million on road upgrades–it’s to help Kinross
- Amended budget includes funding for bridge work and replacement
- Kinross updates Council on Manh Choh project
- North Pole City Council resolution opposes Kinross haul plan
- Engineering group provides update on Tetlin-Fort Knox corridor plan
- USGS 2022 List of Critical Minerals
- EPA presses state of Alaska to act on air pollution
- Fairbanks City Council takes position on Kinross trucking plan
- An ore haul update: it’s a ‘big friggin truck’
- DOT contractor to begin corridor analysis
- Kinross, highway advocacy group testify on ore hauling plan
- Council to discuss budget amendment, Manh Choh tonight
- Kinross puts Tetlin-Fort Knox corridor action plan out to bid
- Fort Knox reports four-year high in gold production
- Borough air pollution commission weighs in on Kinross plan
- Kinross, Contango greenlight Manh Choh project
- Kinross greenlights Interior Alaska mine trucking plan, while state slow rolls transportation analysis
- Scrutiny of plan to truck mine ore across Interior Alaska grows
- Kinross GM talks ore trucking plan before legislative committees
- Kinross addresses concerns over plan to truck ore from Tetlin to Fairbanks
- Fairbanks DOT and Kinross Alaska hold community forum for ore transportation plan
Community Perspectives
- Standing strong in opposition to ore haul
- Is Alaska paying to replace bridges to benefit a mining company?
- Legacy bridges are being ignored
- Manh Choh drainage could be toxic to aquatic life
- Think again about using roads for ore haul with double-trailer vans
- State regulations limit industrial use of highways
- The Alaska lotteries: Do the math on Kinross Manh Choh
- Dunleavy, Alaska transportation department continue to act as partners with Kinross
- A Call for Voices
- Does Does Ft. Knox Mine Shrink Without the Manh Choh Ore Transport?
- Large truck fatality facts shed some light on Kinross ore hauling plan
- Save a thousand? Yes! Add a million? No! Backward steps toward more dirty air
- Is the Kinross/Contango ore haul safe? No one knows.
- Kinross Ore Transportation Plan – A Critical Review
- Highway trucking plan deserves real analysis, but Dunleavy is a roadblock
- Concerned about Transportation Plan
- * A detailed assessment should precede any Manh Choh mine activity
- Too many concerns, not enough solutions surround Kinross’ ore trucking plan
- Kinross’ ore hauling plan needs an independent review
Letters to the Editor
- What’s Alaska getting and giving up with mining?
- Manh Choh trucking plan should not come to fruition
- Industrial vs. commercial trucking
- A comparison of routes for Manh Choh ore trucks
- Your voice matters
- An ore haul on public highways is unsafe
- Ore haul noise and vibration study
- A premonition of the future
- More noise pollution is coming your way
- Looking for Manh Choh options
- Ill-conceived proposal
- Responsible mineral development is key
- Too many disappointments with Manh Choh ore hauling
- Maximizing profits over safety
- Take the ore-haul drive yourself
- You’ve been Manh-Chohed
- Highway fatality statistics vs. ore hauling
- Mining industry must earn our trust
- Too many dangers in Kinross ore trucking plan
- Air quality and ore hauling
- Mining projects and new climate risk disclosure requirements
- Kinross trucking plan needs a thorough impact study
- The hidden costs of Kinross’ ore trucking plan
- Be a good neighbor, Kinross
- By the environmental numbers
- Kinross Gold’s social license is at risk
- Manh Choh mine trucking needs a third-party review
- Reconsider the Kinross ore trucking plan
- Kinross trucking plan needs a re-examination
- Kinross trucking plan must be revised
- Keep Kinross off our roads